
🌸【香港一肖一码100%中】🌸1海上外贸运输为什么常使用集装箱船?  第1张

M.V. OCEAN OUTSATNDINGV2175X Loading deck cargo windmill blades 27 pcs transport from Shanghai, China to Aransas, USA. Navigation bridge visibility is reduced by 9meter-high cargo on the No.1 hatch cover. To modify this situation, our ship prepared 3 plans of arrangement for extra lookout at the forward lookout station.

🌸【香港一肖一码100%中】🌸1海上外贸运输为什么常使用集装箱船?  第2张




Anyway all this plans are assistant means. All my officers and I will keep a sharp lookout all the time and with higher safety awareness in whole voyage to ensure the safety of the ship, cargo and all of crew numbers.