
🔥【管家婆一码一肖】🔥1海通发展:全球干散货海上运输业务覆盖80余个国家和地区的300余个港口  第1张

M.V. OCEAN OUTSATNDINGV2175X Loading deck cargo windmill blades 27 pcs transport from Shanghai, China to Aransas, USA. Navigation bridge visibility is reduced by 9meter-high cargo on the No.1 hatch cover. To modify this situation, our ship prepared 3 plans of arrangement for extra lookout at the forward lookout station.

🔥【管家婆一码一肖】🔥1海通发展:全球干散货海上运输业务覆盖80余个国家和地区的300余个港口  第2张


Set one man lookout at the forward mooring station with proper dressing in bad weather he can held himself in forward bosun store for a 5-10minutes interval and keep a good VHF watch and on call.

完货后马上赶潮水出港/,等下了引水才意识到了驾驶台瞭望视线盲区是真的大🔥【管家婆一码一肖】🔥。虽然在港口期间租家提供了CCTV系统并简单安装,工程师说他自己不懂航海摄像头位置只是随大概 ,预留了很长的线,开航后需要我们提供计算自行调整高度。