The extra forward lookout at the forward station with appropriate means of communication with the bridge team is posted during navigation in restricted visibility, increased traffic, approaching port and all situations when deemed necessary.

🔥【澳门码鞋一肖一码】🔥1欧洲古代史:波罗的海的海上运输方式和航海技术是什么样的?  第1张

• Be satisfied that the experience of the people is appropriate for the intended passage.




Minimum Bridge Team composition for the following key conditions:


5、保险要投保: 海运风险难免🔥【澳门码鞋一肖一码】🔥,为货物投保一份保险可以有效降低损失。在选择保险公司时,要货比三家,选择信誉良好、理赔速度快的公司。

Set one man lookout at the forward mooring station with proper dressing in bad weather he can held himself in forward bosun store for a 5-10minutes interval and keep a good VHF watch and on call.