
🔥【管家婆一哨一吗100中】🔥1金顺速运|海上运输公司一站式供应链服务  第1张

Note 2: In areas of extended restricted passage, restricted visibility, adverse weather and extended pilotages such as river passages, the Bridge Team is to be established to allow for adequate relief and rest, and in such case consideration must be given to the Watch Officers being divided into two teams working alternately, which may include the Master as well.


5、保险要投保: 海运风险难免/🔥【管家婆一哨一吗100中】🔥,为货物投保一份保险可以有效降低损失。在选择保险公司时,要货比三家,选择信誉良好、理赔速度快的公司。


Note 1: Where an additional deck officer is carried, the Chief Officer may be relieved of full watch-keeping duties but should take part in a navigational watch on a regular basis to retain navigational watch keeping skills. ADM24 (Scheduled working arrangement form) should reflect these arrangements.