Minimum Bridge Team composition for the following key conditions:

🌸【四肖八码期期准资料免费】🌸1工信部副部长单忠德:工信部将有序推进氢能航空机、液氢运输船、海上风电制氢装备等项目的实施  第1张


🌸【四肖八码期期准资料免费】🌸1工信部副部长单忠德:工信部将有序推进氢能航空机、液氢运输船、海上风电制氢装备等项目的实施  第2张

Note 3: An extra lookout at the forward lookout station with appropriate means of communication with the bridge team is posted during navigation in restricted visibility, increased traffic, approaching port and all situations when deemed necessary.


6. 在船舶操纵或船舶避让时避免大舵角转向,避免船舶大幅度横倾而产生的风险/🌸【四肖八码期期准资料免费】🌸


Note 2: In areas of extended restricted passage, restricted visibility, adverse weather and extended pilotages such as river passages, the Bridge Team is to be established to allow for adequate relief and rest, and in such case consideration must be given to the Watch Officers being divided into two teams working alternately, which may include the Master as well.