
🌸【澳门100%最准一肖一码】🌸1海上集装箱运输之新手入门篇  第1张

M.V. OCEAN OUTSATNDINGV2175X Loading deck cargo windmill blades 27 pcs transport from Shanghai, China to Aransas, USA. Navigation bridge visibility is reduced by 9meter-high cargo on the No.1 hatch cover. To modify this situation, our ship prepared 3 plans of arrangement for extra lookout at the forward lookout station.

🌸【澳门100%最准一肖一码】🌸1海上集装箱运输之新手入门篇  第2张


Note 2: In areas of extended restricted passage, restricted visibility, adverse weather and extended pilotages such as river passages, the Bridge Team is to be established to allow for adequate relief and rest, and in such case consideration must be given to the Watch Officers being divided into two teams working alternately, which may include the Master as well.

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