
🌸【澳门资料大全正版资料2024年免费】🌸1我国大型海上平台装船运输能力实现重要突破 装船运输技术已跃居世界先进水平  第1张


M.V. OCEAN OUTSATNDINGV2175X Loading deck cargo windmill blades 27 pcs transport from Shanghai, China to Aransas, USA. Navigation bridge visibility is reduced by 9meter-high cargo on the No.1 hatch cover. To modify this situation, our ship prepared 3 plans of arrangement for extra lookout at the forward lookout station.

Operation cabin of No.1 deck crane uses as forward Lookout station. This is asolid safe and humane place, with adequate strength for the foreseeable in preferable weather conditions.

Note 3: An extra lookout at the forward lookout station with appropriate means of communication with the bridge team is posted during navigation in restricted visibility, increased traffic, approaching port and all situations when deemed necessary.

